10 Precautions to Take for Electric Gate Installations
The process of installing electric gates is quite complex, hence the reason it is critical that consumers know exactly the purpose these gates will serve. Electric gates come in a variety of styles, and they are constructed from an assortment of materials. Additionally, automatic gates open in different ways, depending on customer preference. Some gates will open by sliding up, and others open inward or outward. It is essential that customers explain in extensive detail how gates will be used when speaking with technicians so the proper recommendations can be made.
10 Important Precautions
- Make sure the gate works manually. All electric gates must also be able to work manually as well as automatically. If customers have manual gates that they wish to turn into electric gates, it is vital that they work with the technician to make sure there are no problems with the gate when it is open and closed manually. If problems are present, these will not resolve themselves once manual gates have been converted into electric gates.
- Make sure the gates are not installed on hills. Gates work better when they are installed on level ground. If automatic gates are installed on hilly ground, more equipment will be required, and gates and associated equipment will wear down quicker which will cause replacements to become necessary.
- Make sure the proper equipment is used. Should equipment be used that is not specifically meant for the gates that are being installed, warranties will be voided. When warranties are voided, there will be no other recourse for filing complaints or getting gates fixed.
- Make sure gates have proper drainage if it is needed. Should motors be installed below the surface of the ground, water needs to drain so motors do not end up becoming submerged. If water pools around the motors, they may possibly quit working.
- Only hire professional gate technicians for gate installations. Lay persons must never attempt to install gates on their own. Doing so can cause major issues, such as ruining motors and equipment which can cause gates to work improperly or not at all. Significant amounts of money will be lost which can be prevented if professional technicians are contacted, such as an automatic gate opener installer in Austin.
- Be cautious about the wind. Individuals who live in areas where it is windy much of the time will need to take some special precautions. For instance, consumers will need to be careful which types of gates they choose to install. Open railed gates are better options than gates that are constructed using wooden slats; however, the durability of the gate must also be considered if there are chances that winds can be high.
- Choose the correct gate controllers. The gate controllers that are chosen will all depend on the specific situation in which the gates will be used. If customers want gates that can be driven through, then smartphone apps and keypads are great options. Other choices include push buttons, radio controls, vehicle detectors and ground loops.
- Make a way for pedestrians to access the grounds. Not everyone will be driving a car. Keypads can be installed for this purpose along with an intercom that can be used for communication and buzzing people in so they may have access. Video cameras can also be installed, and it can be decided that gates will open differently for pedestrians as opposed to those who are driving.
- Grant access for postal workers, gardeners and others who visit regularly. Access can be granted by using a time clock that will decrease gate security during specific hours of the day so these individuals can perform their duties without much interference.
- Reinforce gates so they are more secure. The whole idea of purchasing and installing gates is to keep troublemakers out and grounds secure. So, gates cannot be destroyed or broken into, it is essential that they be reinforced by adding posts inside or outside of the gates or by installing extra locks.
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