Preparing For Winter: 5 Tips You Need For Your Fencing
In some northeastern states, snow and ice leave roads looking like broken-up slabs and rubble. Do you ever wonder what impact snow has on your belongings at home, like the fencing in your yard? Like roads, our fences are at risk for pesky winter water damages. Winter preparations are imperative. Let us at Capitol Fence, Austin fence installers, help you keep your fence standing strong after every harsh winter with our 5 simple tips!
1. Trim Your Trees
Although it feels weightless when landing on your tongue, when piled up on a tree limb, snow can be heavy enough to snap even the sturdiest of branches. Take proactive measures by trimming branches above your fence to avoid future repairs!
2. Plan Where You Plow
Be mindful of where you pile snow. Packed down snow can warp, sag, weaken and even cause breakages in your fencing. Plows themselves can easily take down fences, so be cautious or if possible, avoid plowing near your fence.
3. Make Your Fence Visible
Just like you stick reflectors on a bike to stay safe, so should you for your fences’ safety. The white winter landscape obscures road lines, ditches, and even fencing to drivers. Keep your fencing up and help drivers to stay safe by placing reflectors on or near your fence.
4. Beauty Can Disguise Havoc
Although it may be a beautiful hallmark sight of winter, snow sitting atop of your fence is detrimental in the long run. Wood absorbs water. If let to saturate, mold, mildew, rot, and even cracks can form! Regularly brush snow off your fencing with soft objects such as a car snow brush, broom, or a gloved hand can aid in avoiding such damages. Waterproofing your fence with a stain or seal also helps.
5. Get Repairs Done Before Winter
Examine your fencing for any weak or comprised points that can turn into bigger damages after enduring the trauma of winter.
Don’t fret if our tips didn’t make it to you in time, because we’ve got you covered! Call Capitol Fence so we can work with you to fix your fencing problems and equip you with the knowledge to keep your fences lasting longer!
Contact Capital Fence for a quote at (512) 990-2530.