Should I Install My Own Automatic Driveway Gate?
DIY gate options are commonplace at local home goods stores and across the internet, but are they really a good idea? The simplified answer to this question comes from whether you’d change your own cellphone window screen, or build your own television, just because you can buy a kit online to do so. Just for fun, though, let’s look at some technical reasons why DIY automatic gate kits aren’t the best idea.
What’s The Problem With DIY Gate Kits?
1. They’re Cheap For A Reason
These automated gate kits are composed of sub-grade steel, which is how they’re offered at such a low cost. Corners are also cut by offering rough welds, undersized and thin posts, metal-on-metal pins that wear easily and can bind the gate, plastic verses metal parts with little life expectancy, underpowered motors that burn out quickly, and inferior control boxes.
The bottom line is that they’re sold cheap because they’re made cheap. The cheap product detracts from your home’s aesthetics and value. In the end, you’ll likely find you wasted money on a gate with one claim to fame – it can survive the elements just long enough to expire its warranty.
2. They’re Not Just A Rig You Throw Together In An Hour
DIY electric gate projects are laborious, time-consuming, and dangerous.
- You’ll need multiple tools, including post hole diggers or a power auger.
- You’ll be working with electricity.
- Cement will need to be mixed and poured.
You’re facing tasks like leveling out the soil, removing rocks, and digging and leveling postholes if you don’t want a crooked and unsteady gate. It’s back-breaking work.
Plus, as you do all this digging, you’re on your own to avoid underground root systems, wires, cables, gas lines, water lines, and stay off your neighbor’s property. Such underground obstacles present both a safety and liability issue.
Speaking of liability issues, do you know the local laws and regulations concerning fencing? Such are likely to include a list of authorized materials, proximity limits to surrounding property lines, and height and reach limits. That DIY gate may not be so cheap when local officials demand it be taken down.
3. They May Be Hazardous
Most DIY electric gate kits don’t have reverse, and other safety devices, that a professional automatic driveway gate installation in Austin will feature. DIY gates rarely meet UL 325 standards, which is yet another liability and safety issue. Anyone touching a gate that doesn’t meet UL 325 standards runs the risk of electrocution.
Even if you’re having your gate installed by someone else claiming to have knowledge of electric gate standards in Austin, always ensure that the contractor is certified/licensed to install UL 325 standard gates. Otherwise, your cheap gate may cause you a plethora of legal costs.
Leave Your Electric Gate Installation To The Pros
The opportunity to do something doesn’t always mean you should, and, as you can see from the above, automatic driveway gate installation in Austin is one of those occasions.
The expert technicians at Capitol Fence have the tools, knowledge, and training to safely and efficiently install and service your gate equipment without you taking undue DIY risks.
From emergency access requirements and safety and electrical issues to the style of gate that works best for your needs, our UL 325 certified technicians in Austin will help you develop and implement the best solution for your gate needs.
Give Capitol Fence a call today for a quote before you even consider a DIY gate project. Call Capitol Fence at (512) 990-2530 for a quote today.
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